
This is a complete list of my publications. Please find my articles and contributions to other author's works in the list on the left side.




Unterwegs in Burma - Die Lesung CD

Unterwegs in Burma - Die Lesung CD


Nachdem der Autor Nicholas Ganz 2012 sein Buch "Unterwegs in Burma" veröffentlicht hat, ging er 2013 auf eine deutschlandweite Lese- und Vortragsreise. Nun ist die Lesung erstmalig auf einer CD erschienen.


Da sich bis heute in dem Land kaum etwas getan hat, ist der Vortrag aktueller den je und gibt einen informativen Hintergrund über die Ursachen der Konflikte in Burma.


Burma (oder Myanmar/Birma) ist eines der ärmsten Länder Südostasiens und nach dem Ende der Militärdiktatur befindet sich der Vielvölkerstaat in einem politischen Umbruch. Das weitgehend unbekannte Volk der Shan gehört zu den größten ethnischen Volksgruppen des Landes und sie können auf eine uralte Geschichte und Kultur zurückblicken, welche für die kulturelle Entwicklung Südostasiens eine bedeutsame Rolle gespielt hat.


Der Vortrag beschreibt eine abenteuerliche Reise durch faszinierende Landschaften und uralte Traditionen in das herz der Shan. In den Gesprächen mit Historikern, Kulturbeauftragten und einfachen Bauern wird ein authentischer Blick auf diese Volksgruppe gewährt. Doch die tragische Geschichte dieses Volkes begann in Burma, als das Militär 1962 putschte und seitdem die Shan und andere Volksgruppen des Landes mit ihren historischen Kulturen fast vernichtete. Die Zeugnisse von Flüchtlingen, ehemaligen Drogenbaronen und Kommandeuren von Guerilla-Armeen zeigen die dunkle Seite eines fast 50 Jahre andauernden Bürgerkrieges und geben einen umfassenden und ehrlichen Einblick auf das Volk der Shan.


Aufgenommen am 17. Juni 2013 im Linken Zentrum Stuttgart.


First published by Keinom Records on 06. March 2016.

Keinom Records, Essen

2 CDs

Mehr als 100 Minuten Spielzeit.

Street Messages

Street Messages


There is plenty of creativity within the international graffiti and street art scene. Writing text messages in public spaces has been a unique art form and a means of communication between humans for over 30,000 years. Many street artists work only with text, written messages or poems, and not necessarily only with colourful murals, styles, tags and logos. Street Messages is the first publication that delivers a deep insight into this literary form of expression in the world of global street art.

The streets are full of artistic and poetic forms of expression – messages written by graffiti and street artists. Street Messages offers a historic background to written messages in public spaces and introduces more than 80 artists from across the world who work exclusively or partly with text. The vast body of information and numerous exclusive quotes and words of wisdom makes Street Messages the first book to shed some light on this as yet undocumented form of street art culture.


Features artwork by Banksy, Dolk, Ben Eine, Faith 47, Flint…, Kid Acne, Know Hope, Laser 3.14, Mobstr, Skki and many more.


First published on 04. May 2015 by

Dokument Press, Årsta

Hardcover, 144 pages

ISBN 978-91-85639-73-1


The Facebook site with news and updates on the book can be found here:


Unterwegs in Burma

Unterwegs In Burma - Eine Reise zum Volk der Shan

Unterwegs In Burma - Eine Reise zum Volk der Shan


Burma (or Myanmar / Birma) is one of the poorest countries in South-East Asia and since the end of the military dictatorship this multi-national country is in a time of change. The almost unknown Shan nation belongs to one of the largest ethnic groups in Burma and they can look back on an ancient history and tradition, which has played a vital role in the cultural evolution of South-East Asia.


The book describes an adventurous journey through fascinating landscapes and ancient traditions into the heart of the Shan people. Through the interviews with historians, cultural representatives and ordinary farmers an authentic view is given on this ethnic group. But the tragical history of this folk started in Burma, when the military took power in 1962 and since then the Shan and the other ethnic minorities and their ancient cultures were almost destroyed. The evidence of refugees, former drug-lords and commanders of guerilla armies show the dark side of an almost 50 years old civil war and provide a wide and honest view on the Shan people.


A portion of the income of this book will be donated to a humanitarian project to support the Shan people.


First published on 01. November 2012 by

Iatros Verlag, Potsdam

Softcover, 292 pages
ISBN 978-3-86963-700-6

Burma - the alternative guide

Burma - the alternative guide

Burma - the alternative guide

Together with co-author Elena Jotow I put together this book as a true representation of this fascinating country with a tragic dictatorship as government. The book shows the beautiful landscape and cultural monuments, that this unknown country has to offer. At the same time it shows the readers the tragedy of the human-rights abuses, the civil-war against the ethnic minorities and the sheer poverty caused by the economic mismanagement by the dictators.

On 200 pages with more than 250 photographs, the book gives a good insight into this South-East Asian country with a glance into her history, a journey through the country and an insight to the ongoing conflicts and problems.


First published on 06. April 2009 by
Thames & Hudson, London
Softcover, 200 pages
ISBN-13 978-0-500-28787-3


USA & Canada
Burma - the alternative guide
Published by Thames & Hudson, New York on 29. June 2009
ISBN 978-0-500-28787-3


Graffiti World - New Edition



An updated version of the book that was released in 2004. It contains 10 new pages and 6 new fold-out pages. The new texts describes the latest developments in the graffiti movement and some of the artist's biographies are updated.

First published on 05. May 2009 by
Thames & Hudson, London
Hardcover, 392 pages
ISBN-13 978-0-500-51469-6


The Facebook site with news and updates on the book can be found here:
USA & Canada
Graffiti World – Updated Edition
Published by Harry N. Abrams, New York on 01. September 2009
Hardcover with poster-jacket
ISBN 0-8109-8049-5

Planète Graffiti - Une nouvelle édition revue et augmentée de l'anthologie du graffiti dans le monde
Published by Édition Pyramyd, Paris on 20. August 2009
ISBN 978-2-35017-176-0

Graffiti - Nueva Edicion
Published by Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona in 19. February 2010
ISBN 978-84-252-2341-9

O mundo do grafite – Nova edicao revista e ampliada
Published by Martins Fontes Editoria, São Paulo in 2011
ISBN 978-85-7827-348-4


Graffiti World Calendar 2008

Graffiti World Calendar - UK version
Graffiti World Calendar - UK version
Graffiti World Calendar - US version
Graffiti World Calendar - US version

Graffiti World - Street art throughout the year

The calendar was published on basis of the Graffiti World book and presents some of the artists with a few images from the book. The size is about 47x32 cm and the calendar is for the year 2008.

First published on 06. August 2007 by
Thames & Hudson, London
ISBN 978-0-500-95994-7

USA & Canada
Graffiti World - street art from around the world
Published by Harry N. Abrams, New York in August 2007
ISBN 978-0-8109-8860-6


Graffiti Woman

Graffiti Woman - Street art from five continents

Graffiti Woman represents the female side of graffiti, that somehow has been neglected during previous publications. Women have been out in the streets since the very beginning of graffiti, but mostly their male colleagues got respect or honour for their graffiti. About women, several rumours were created and their active involvement has brought a female revolution into the mainly male dominated scene.

The book shows more than 125 female artists from all over the world and I was delighted, that Swoon has written the foreword for it and author Nancy Macdonald contributed a text about her research in this field.

First published on 16. October 2006 by
Thames & Hudson, London
Hardcover, 224 pages
ISBN 0-500-51306-6
ISBN-13 978-0-500-51306-4


The Facebook site with news and updates on the book can be found here:


USA & Canada
Graffiti Women
Published by Harry N. Abrams, New York on 01. November 2006
Hardcover with poster-jacket
ISBN 0-8109-5747-7

Planète Graffiti - version filles
Published by Édition Pyramyd, Paris on 12. October 2006
ISBN 2-35017-031-4

Graffiti Mujer - arte urbano de los cinco continentes
Published by Edito rial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona on 30. November 2006
ISBN 84-252-2107-2


Graffiti Woman
Published by L’ippocampo, Milano in December 2006
ISBN 88-88585-95-8

Graffiti Woman
Published by DuMont, Köln on 25. August 2008
ISBN 978-3-8321-9095-8 


Graffiti - la feminin
Published by Hacet Publishing House, Bucarest in 2015
ISBN 978-606-94047-3-7


Graffiti World

Graffiti World - Street art from five continents

Graffiti World is presenting the world-wide graffiti culture with more than 180 international artists in more than 2,000 pictures. It took me three years of research to complete this work and make this a wide representation of the international movement.
The book tries to give an overview on the local graffiti developments and presents each artist with a few words and quotes from the artist's themselves. It is not possible to get each and every genius artist for this book, but it shows a vast amount of different styles, artists, developments and historic documents.

A few book artists like Above, Kid Acne, Adam Neate, Other, Paris, and Nick Walker created a limited edition packaging for the book. They hand-painted 600 different boxes as a case for the book. They were immediately sold-out and later you could find them for high prices in auctions like Sotheby's. Some images of this limited edition you can find on the publisher’s website:

First published on 18. October 2004 by
Thames & Hudson, London
Hardcover, 376 pages
ISBN 0-500-51170-5
ISBN-13 978-0-500-51170-1


The Facebook site with news and updates on the book can be found here:

 USA & Canada
Graffiti World – Street Art from five continents
Published by Harry N. Abrams, New York on 26. October 2004
Hardcover with poster-jacket
ISBN 0-8109-4979-2

Graffiti World
Published by Graphic-Sha, Tokyo in 2004
ISBN 4-7661-1494-9

De wereld van graffiti – Kunst van de straat uit vijf werelddelen
Published by Nilsson & Lamm, Weesp in 2004
ISBN 90-8541-001-0

Planète Graffiti
Published by Édition Pyramyd, Paris on 14. October 2004
ISBN 2-910565-72-6

Graffiti – arte urbano de los cinco continentes
Published by Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona in June 2004
ISBN 84-252-1954-X

Graffiti World – Street Art aus fünf Kontinenten
Published by Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin on 01. September 2005
ISBN 3-89602-677-1

Graffiti World – Street Art from five continents
Published by L’ippocampo, Milano in December 2005
ISBN 88-88585-97-4

Graffiti - öt kontinens utcamüveszete
Published by Cartaphilus Könyvkiado, Kistarcsa in 2008
ISBN 978-963-266-033-2

Graffiti - arta strazii pe cinci continente
Published by Editura Vellant, Bucharest in 2008
ISBN 978-973-88758-2-1

O mundo do grafite
Published by Martins Fontes Editoria, São Paulo in 2008
ISBN 978-85-7827-032-2

Swiat Graffiti
Published by Wydawnictwo Albatros, Warsaw in 2008
ISBN 978-83-7359-625-2


Wozu denn noch Fernsehen ???

Wozu denn noch Fernsehen ???

Wozu denn noch Fernsehen ???

Wozu denn noch Fernsehen ??? was my first published work with poems, short stories and a few photos and drawings. It was totally D.I.Y. and had a print-run of only 200, but still I have a few of them here in my store.

First published on 09. September 2001